Peppers, Peppers & More Peppers! Thomas has some ideas for Latin cuisine and the goliath griller pepper variety piqued his curiosity for the dish he wants to prepare for us next week! According to Allen Lilly, this variety’s finest characteristic is its versatile flavor–pungent enough to make a fantastic roaster, but mild enough to eat fresh if you like a pepper with a little bite.

Ever wonder where the “hot” in hot peppers come from? Thomas let us know It’s due to capsaicin, a colorless, odorless oil-like compound found in the fruit of a plant that is a close relative of the tomato. Capsaicin is primarily found in the membrane that holds the seeds.

You’ll find many varieties of peppers and a lot of other local produce at Allen & Kathy’s display every Wednesday and Saturday, be sure to stop and say hi and check out their unique produce! You can also give them a call on days they aren’t at the Market at 301-334-8423.

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Shelley Argabrite
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