Winter is just starting in Garrett County! Some of us are so excited, and others despise the season. Casual conversations about being a snow lover or hater are common on days like today and can have a big impact on our mindset and general well-being. Although the video above is from Minnesota, we can relate! When we ask people what they love about Garrett County during our focus groups for the Community Health Assessment (conducted every three years), our four seasons rank very high! People also tell us it takes more effort to stay active during the winter! We hope to provide a way for more people to embrace our winter season, and dare I say, even look forward to it!

GC In Motion is the official program sponsored by CareFirst that has provided access to free and low-cost physical activity events serving thousands of residents and visitors! Our events calendar is bumping during peak summer times, and this year we want to challenge hibernation tendencies and provide some awesome winter options.

We had a hugely popular cross-country ski event; we’ll do again as soon as the snow is just right but we need some more ideas when we don’t have the perfect snow! In the comments below, please suggest winter activities we could offer through Go! to keep us active and social. Attending our GC In Motion events is another way to earn extra prize points and often meet new people!

Winter not only takes a toll on our physical activity levels, but it can be an emotionally challenging time. Here’s a link to our Behavioral Health Provider Guide (BHA Guide): if you or someone you know is struggling with depression or other mental health needs it could assist them in seeking treatment. For immediate help, call 988!

Remember, we all need a little extra care sometimes; please take the time to reach out to someone you think could use a friend.

Shelley Argabrite
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