Lifting up others is what Go Garrett County is all about!  A community that cultivates care is a healthier one. Research tells us that working to enhance the lives of others helps us to keep the well-being of all people at the forefront of our thinking. A healthy community starts with individual human beings who work hard to practice empathy. Empathy includes valuing other perspectives and people. It’s about perspective-taking and compassion.  Meditation is one way to cultivate empathy. Of course, meditation has been linked to benefits such as reduced symptoms of depression, reduced anxiety, and a decrease in chronic pain1 —it’s no surprise that so many of us are attempting to try.

In our prize store the meditation pillow provides comfortable seating to help a person achieve mental clarity.  Some meditation programs call for people to sit, often cross-legged on the floor. For extended periods of time, this can be uncomfortable. This is why the pillow we chose can increase your comfort bringing with it the promise of ultimately increasing your compassion.

We are honored that within the first year of the program, so many people watched and read all the available content, referred friends, and earned so many reward points! So cash in your points today and get ready for this week’s prize pick-up! Whether it’s the mediation pillow, personal training sessions, or cookbooks there are so many great prizes to choose from on the wellbeing journey. You could also gift your hard earned prizes so cash your points in at our store and a pick-up time will be scheduled for you on Thursday Dec 16th, this will be the last one before the holiday season!

Join the discussion below by answering the prompt (What’s your favorite way to help others?), and you’ll earn 5 MORE prize points for each post through the end of the year!

In our research, for valuable content, we came across this article that we believe is well worth the read.

Source: Goyal M, Singh S, Sibinga EMS, et al. Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisJAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(3):357-368. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.13018

Shelley Argabrite
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