We’re back for another round of Summer Fitness & Fun Activities! Thanks to the success of last year’s programming and ongoing efforts on Go! Garrett County, we’re launching a second round of funding applications!

Creating events that the community can look forward to as we work toward improving health outcomes is an impactful way to address chronic diseases. The funding award from CareFirst encourages us to create opportunities for fitness, improved nutrition, and overall wellness for everyone by reducing barriers like fees for individuals and families.

This year, we’re accepting applications to host events and projects over the spring/summer/fall related to chronic diseases, fitness, nutrition, food security, and the built environment. It’s a two-part process: fill out the applications below and record your video.

All applications will be evaluated as they are received, and we will let you know if we have any questions or if funding is awarded. Priority will be given to applications received before May 1, 2023.


Click here to fill out the application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXgyYdmVx8pFa2VN_7ddnZeTfoF2PNrvpUfLaFmTByjBaaZQ/viewform


Record a video https://socialjuice.io/go of yourself explaining your project and how it will impact health outcomes in our community. If your project is funded, the video will be displayed on the Wall of Love page; you can check it out below.

Shelley Argabrite
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