On Go!GarrettCounty.com, there are so many ways for you to get involved! Here are a few reminders so you don’t miss anything!

Free Special Events for Families & Friends

We’ve added an additional time slot for ice skating in the next two weeks to meet the demand! For the following two Thursdays, Feb 8th and Feb 12th, there are two time slots available on each day: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Here’s a link to the ticket for Feb 8th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. You’ll find the other time slots on page 4 and 5 in the prize shop so you can pre-register today. https://gogarrettcounty.com/product/free-event-ice-skating-february-8-2024-event-4-6pm/

Recipe Challenge Update

We’re so thankful for all the recipes we’ve received from all of you! We will begin sharing them very soon, but we are not going to close the challenge just yet! We’re teaming up with a few talented professionals to prepare some of the recipes and share the preparation with you via a GO!GarrettCounty.com video. The recipes sound so delicious, and we want to keep collecting more of your favorites! Below, you’ll find the details on how to participate:

Earn thousands of points to cash in on the Go! Prize shop by sharing your favorite family recipes! We want to promote healthy eating that tastes delicious and is budget-friendly! We’re focused on whole grains, fruits & vegetables, and lean protein sources, and this time, we’re skipping dessert. This is an opportunity to level up our recipes with a few tweaks that make them healthier! Most recipes can be made healthier without compromising the taste or texture of the food. Techniques include reducing the amount of fat and sugar, substituting ingredient(s), omitting ingredients(s), changing the preparation method, and changing the portion size.

Each member of Go! Garrett County may submit up to five recipes during the challenge to earn a maximum of 3,750 points! 

Point System:

+100: Submitting a recipe

+50: If it includes a picture 

+50: local ingredients (food co-op, farmers markets, or from the garden)

+500: For a food preparation video

+50: If it’s budget-friendly (under $5.00 a serving)

Helpful video tips: Bright lighting, uncluttered surfaces, and no copyrighted music. 

To participate in the fun, please submit your recipe(s) by March 30, 2024. If you would like to include a photo or video in addition to your submission, send your image as an attachment to [email protected]. Upload your video to YouTube and send us the link.

Shelley Argabrite
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