I can’t think of anyone more qualified to teach us about bikepacking than A.J. DeLauder. After all, A.J. did complete the Tour Divide earlier this summer!!! A bikepacking race starting in the Canadian Rockies and going for 2,700 miles through extreme weather conditions to the U.S. border with Mexico.

You can read more about it in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/04/sports/tour-divide-race-bikepackers.html/

(A.J. is quoted!-it’s pretty cool) You won’t want to miss this informative session with A.J. hosted at The Tiny Corner Bike Shop, located beside Oakland’s Town Parking Lot. This is the final offering in the series, and it’s an educational introduction to bikepacking held in the Shop. This program helped to establish a bikepacking “loaner program” for those in the local community who would like to try bikepacking but cannot afford the often costly seat bags and handlebar bags required to do so effectively. Indeed, in a rural community such as Oakland, Maryland, cost remains the biggest hurdle to experiencing and enjoying cycling.

As usual, our Wednesday is packed full of opportunities! Offerings include starting your day with Jazzercise, Yoga is at 5:30 (weather pending), with just enough time to make it to A.J.’s for the Workshop at 7! Check out the other fun offerings on our G.C. In Motion calendar and let’s keep fun in our fitness routines https://gcinmotion.garrettcountyapps.com/community-calendar/

To learn more about The Tiny Corner Bike Shop, check out the site: https://www.thetinycornerbikeshop.com/

Please note, Garrett County’s COVID-19 Community Level has increased in recent weeks. Please take appropriate precautions, and see GarrettHealth.org for recommendations from the CDC: https://garretthealth.org/

About G.C. In Motion:
An application was submitted by Shelley Argabrite representing the Population Health, Innovation & Informatics Unit within the Garrett County Health Department for the competitive funding from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield and was awarded $92,986 dollars. The funding is part of a larger goal for 34% of Marylanders to be at a healthy weight by 2024!

Shelley Argabrite

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