Locally grown produce will be available in Friendsville, MD, on Tuesday and the Meadows on Wednesday evenings to make healthy foods more accessible.  Through our current SPINE grant and partnerships, which includes Garrett Growers, Western Maryland Food Council, the Garrett County Economic Development Agriculture Business Office, a new nonprofit called the Appalachian Farm and Food Alliance, Inc, and community meal and food bank providers, we are excited to bring back the community markets from last year! To learn more or become involved, visit https://gogarrettcounty.com/garrett-county-food-access-infrastructure-initiative/.

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Join us for Free Gentle/Beginner Yoga

@ Herrington Manor State Park, every Tuesday at 5:30

Registration required
Register at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/BTP8KU/classes

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to sign in at the picnic table, set up your mat/towel, and say hello!
If the grass is really wet or we have a VERY strong chance of rain, we will cancel the class and notify you via email because you’ve signed up with Sheri at the link above on schedulicity.
Feel free to contact Sheri at [email protected]


Our Hiking Series will resume at Herrington when our lead Ranger returns from Wildland fire fighting on August 14th! We’ll see you on the trail in a few weeks.

Shelley Argabrite

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