GC In Motion is an initiative designed to increase opportunities for people to be physically active by removing barriers for Garrett County residents. This comprehensive program utilizes community collaboration and is specifically designed to keep people moving with a variety of activities in 2022! We hope you join us on our way to improve wellbeing! Here are the main elements of the initiative:
- Maryland’s Diabetes Action Plan presented a goal that 34% of Marylanders will be at a healthy weight by 2024. GC In Motion aims to help more of our population achieve and maintain physical activity to meet this goal in Maryland.
- A multi-sector team will identify and rate locations for physical activity, including access for disabilities and services at the parks/trails. The information will be an interactive digital outdoor adventure guide that anyone can access via their smartphones. Each location is printable for use in Provider offices, other agencies, and the public.
- Opportunities will open up for many people with disabilities and families to use trails that they couldn’t before because of the purchase of an adaptive wheelchair. GC In Motion will create a collaborative community structure for the adaptive equipment to be housed and utilized from a starting point on accessible-use trails in GC.
- Annual State Park passes, CARC passes, and Wildwood Athletic Center passes will be available for Garrett County residents while supplies last to provide direct access to fitness opportunities at no cost, removing a barrier for our most vulnerable residents.
- Research tells us accountability and fun help people stick to physical activity routines. Giving them something most days of the week will encourage activity. Stipends will be awarded to engage grassroots community organizations to create walking, biking, hiking, and running clubs. In addition, existing community organizations, agencies, and businesses are invited to apply for funding to host fitness opportunities by completing an application found at https://gcinmotion.garrettcountyapps.com/.
- Funding is available for Improvements including infrastructure, community equipment, and/or maintenance. Policy changes will also be considered as our goal is to increase the safe, sustainable use of parks, gathering areas, and shared spaces in Garrett County for increased fitness opportunities. Applications will be evaluated by a multi-sector team and notice of stipend(s) will be awarded on June 1, 2022, to make important improvements to increase access.
- Treat Obesity First is an initiative that began from a competitive grant awarded by the Maryland Department of Health’s Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control with the goal of improving clinical care services for children and adults with overweight & obesity. Bringing the latest evidence-based, patient-centered care with self-paced CME offerings, and a free membership to the Obesity Medical Association. This cohort of twenty local prescribing providers will be a trusted resource for patients.
- The Treat Obesity First cohort of Providers will provide a program titled, “Prevention with a Provider” as one option in this initiative to interact with the Provider outside of the clinical space during fitness, education, or cooking demonstrations.
Programming was made possible by a grant through CareFirst awarded to the Population Health, Innovation & Informatics Unit within the Garrett County Health Department.
Visit https://gcinmotion.garrettcountyapps.com/ to learn more!
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Sounds wonderful.Lots of helpful info. Some great things soon to be happening!
This sounds like a great thing! I know someone who is working on a handicapped accessible playground for children in Garrett County. I will mention this to her.
Can’t wait. Lots of great information!
This sounds like a great new program.
Looking forward to seeing what will be offered! Sounds like a wonderful program to help many people!
Sounds great!
Sounds wonderful! I like it.
Sounds like some great things about to happen in Garrett County!
Awesome!! There are so many opportunities in Garrett County to be active in a fun way!!
This is great!
Make sure you go to the website. You can sign up for free passes to the Carc and state parks.
This all sounds great!
Lots of great opportunities available! Thank you gogc.
I’m really happy that you’ve started this program!
This has been a great program
So glad to learn about this program!
Awesome!! Many to choose from
Sounds great! Keep up the good work!
This sounds like a great deal of helpful resources and information for the community.
This is great information. Thanks
So happy to have found this program!
Is there a way to see all of the steps I’ve logged?