Our Community Health Assessment is not complete without your voice. Our health, safety, and hopes for the future are unique to each of us. Every single person has a right to share what matters most to them. Don’t miss the opportunity to be represented. We need surveys from people of every age, gender, race, and income level because regardless of your status, you matter in this community. It’s our duty to report the most accurate information available. To do that we need to hear from as many people as possible in every zip code of Garrett County.
Every three years, we collect every possible data source about Garrett County from federal, state, and county levels. Our local prioritization survey is used in combination with all those other sources to determine the most pressing needs. Our office analyzes the data and publishes a report based on that data called the Commuity Health Needs Assessment.
The Community Health Needs Assessment provides the data every organization, agency, and county government uses in grant applications. Since 2016 it has helped our partners, Garrett Regional Medical Center, Mountain Laurel Medical Center, Community Action Agency, Inc., the Local Behavioral Health Authority and Management Board, the Garrett County Health Deparment, and others receive millions of dollars to help serve our community. This point in time report also fulfills federal regulations for Garrett Regional Medical Center, Mountain Laurel Medical Center, and Community Action Agency, Inc to continue operations.
It’s a few minutes of your time today, but it will be one of the most significant contributions you can make to help guide the decisions that directly effect the programs and services available to you in Garret County.
Visit bit.ly/27cha to take the survey! The prize form is separate and is filled out after you submit the survey. We still have a Kitchen Aide mixer and other grant prizes available. To read previous reports and learn more about our process, visit MyGarrettCounty.com and hover over my community. We need you to be involved and help guide our processes and are so pleased that over 1,000 people have already participated! Thank you 🙂
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Sounds like a great response!
Thank you!
Survey completed!
Completed earlier. Hope I can win a prize.
Congrats to the winner!