We are overwhelmed as we look back over the life of this program at all of the different partners that have participated in providing local talent, skills, and opportunities to bring us more wellbeing! THANK YOU! Video can be daunting and some of us who appear on film often don’t even like to watch the final take. But this program is further proof that video is very successful and our membership continues to grow as together we are making tangible changes in peoples lives! We sincerely thank everyone who provides content, who participates with comments and filling out surveys! It’s just one way to address some of the issues we face in our community.

We continue to seek partners and want to make it easy for people to send us their videos so check out the partner packet and reach out. We would love to highlight you to help others! https://gogarrettcounty.com/go-gc-partner-packet/

Shelley Argabrite
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