Welcome back to Day 27 of Walktober!

Today, we’re featuring something everyone loves: prizes!

During the month of Walktober, Go! Garrett County has awarded thousands, yes THOUSANDS!, of Prize Points for participation in this fun campaign.

The month of Walktober has been a smashing success for our team, and we want to thank everyone who has participated and remind you to stick around for more fun surprises in November! 😉

As a reminder, we encourage you to explore the Go! Prize Shop to see what rewards you can redeem with all of your new Walktober Prize Points! 🍃 🍁 🎁

The next pick-up day for prizes is tomorrow, Thursday, October 28, 2021. Shelley will be in touch with anyone who places an order in the Go! Prize Shop to schedule a pick-up time.

Thanks again for all of your participation this month! We have a few more treats (no tricks! 🎃) coming thru the 31st and some great surprises planned for November!

How did you do with your fitness goals today? Did you get in your 6,000 steps?, 10,000 steps?, or do something awesome to stay active? Join the discussion below, and you’ll earn 3 MORE prize points each day during Walktober!

(Please note, your first comment on Go! GC is manually approved to prevent spam. After your comment is approved, you will automatically be awarded bonus Prize Points. Once you have one comment approved, all future comments will be automatically approved.)

John Corbin (BS, CPT, MCPT, CSNC)

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