Prize Redemption Info

Prize colors, models, and brands may vary depending on availability and purchasing restrictions.

Redemption of the items will be once a month while supplies last. Once your order is placed you will be contacted for prize pick-up.

Limit of 1 prize point purchase per person / per month. There is no prize limit for randomly drawn prizes.

All prize redemptions are subject to review. Any attempt to exploit the prize point system will result in the loss of points obtained through unfair means. All prize point activities are logged with completion messages to prevent abuse.

At this time, only Garrett County residents are eligible for prizes. Prizes must be picked up within 2 months, or will become the property of GCHD and will be given away again.

Participants may only purchase each prize once, with a limit of one item per person for each unique item (i.e.; one gas card per person, one fitbit per person, etc…).

Prize recipients are required to participate in a photo and/or video for program promotion purposes.

All standard digital terms and policies apply:

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